Monday, December 12, 2011

Small Victories!

Warning:  This may be TMI for some.  Read at your own risk.

LANDON JUST HAD HIS FIRST SOMEWHAT FORMED POOP SINCE I CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER WHEN!!!  Yes, I just shouted that!  I almost took a picture because I was so excited but decided that just may be too much. 

We're having a much better day and Boy Wonder is making great strides.  He has been nothing but happy today.  So far we haven't had any diapers containing blood and I don't think we're going to see one again.  It is very clear that his little body is healing.  He is also keeping Daddy very busy in the halls and playroom.  He is still under what they want him to be taking in calorie wise.  We're going to track that for a couple more days and see where we're at.  He is totally eating like a champ!  I am guessing part of his increase in appetite is due to all these junk foods he doesn't usually get.  We're still holding strong on the no sugar though, for the most part.  The steroids also help to increase his appetite and I know he's feeling better so that for sure makes a difference.

At this exact moment, my heart is happy. 

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